Examples of the Shortcode Ultimate Plugin’s Functionality


This is one of many plugins I recommended in my BUILD A BLOG THAT IS OPTIMIZED FOR SEARCH blog post.

This plugin created by Vladimir Anokhin gives you a comprehensive collection of visual components for your site.

As I write this the ‘Shortcode Ultimate’ plugin includes 64 shortcodes that allow you to add the following elements to your posts and pages simply by adding the appropriate text in square [] brackets.

Some WordPress themes may already have some of these features but all themes can benefit from the installation of these shortcodes. Here is a list of some of the shortcodes with examples. You will use them all day long:


Heading text


Tab nameTab nameTab name
Tab content
Tab content
Tab content


Spoiler title
Hidden content


Spoiler title
Hidden content
Spoiler title
Hidden content
Spoiler title
Hidden content



___________Before Spacer___________

||||||||||||||| After Spacer ||||||||||||||||


 Highlighted text 






Column content
Column content


Button text


Service title
Service description


Box title
Box content


Note text



Hover over this text to see the tooltip


You cant see the note above this text unless you are me.


This content is for registered users only. Please login.


This content will be available only for non-logged visitors

22Sub Pages

23Google Map

24Dummy Text

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi quis volutpat dolor, eu interdum orci. Morbi orci ligula, porta sed consequat in, lacinia a leo. Ut enim purus, iaculis consequat ipsum sit amet, auctor suscipit nisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec at ipsum et lorem varius efficitur. Sed et velit eu metus bibendum pulvinar et vel mauris. Suspendisse accumsan malesuada ante, at laoreet nisi rhoncus ultrices. Proin sapien mauris, congue eget libero eu, interdum mollis augue. Donec dolor tortor, auctor quis mauris maximus, consectetur lobortis nibh. Fusce vitae ante rutrum, sollicitudin mi porta, molestie augue. Nam metus ante, gravida vitae convallis et, convallis ut mauris. Donec vitae vestibulum magna, quis ullamcorper risus. Suspendisse condimentum magna et malesuada accumsan. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

25Dummy Image

Dummy image


Animated content

27Post Data

Build a Blog That Is Optimized for Search – Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide
2021-01-23 20:20:00

28QR Code

Tom Fougerousse


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Peter Fougerousse
Peter Fougerousse is an internet entrepreneur and expert in digital marketing and new media with 20+ years of experience launching and working with domestic and international companies. Peter founded several leading online businesses, including RosenberryRooms.com and District17.com, which he built from the point of start-up to multi-million dollar operations generating upwards of 60 million dollars in revenue prior to selling the businesses in 2016. Peter is fluent in four languages and his skills combine a unique global business perspective with a passion for innovation. Peter’s areas of expertise include entrepreneurship, eCommerce, social media, branding, business development, and web analytics and he covers these and other topics as a contributing writer for publications such as CBS News, Inc.com, Digital Commerce 360, Yahoo News and the book, Pinterest for Business: How to Pin Your Company to the Top of the Hottest Social Media Network. Peter is dedicated to helping his audience create successful online marketing programs through PFouge.com where he writes about scaling business growth, SEO strategies, web development, content marketing, and software solutions. Beyond business, Peter loves sailing, climbing, scuba diving, astronomy, and photography.


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